ATV has designed and operationalized a suitable organizational structure under which fundamental initiatives have been undertaken. These include:
Masterplan improvement to allow for clustered, phased and sustainable development. The improved Plan was produced, led by Rogers
StirkHabour + Partners of the United Kingdom and accompanied by a very comprehensive Green Book that comprises an Urban Design Manual, Sustainable Development Guidelines and, Building and Construction Codes
Ongoing primary infrastructure development at the sizeable STP/SEZ greenfield site
Strategies for stakeholders’ engagement guided by several inputs such as a Development Brief produced by Jones Lang LaSalle
Robust Procedures and Operational Guidelines gazetted by the Federal Government of Nigeria. This contains procedures for establishing business in Abuja Technology Village, importation and exportation, visa applications, banking operations, etc
Tested process requirements with relevant Government agencies including Export Processing Zones Authority, Customs, Immigration, etc
Membership with the International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation (IASP) and many related engagements with peers in the STP industry
Launched technology business incubation program, ‘enspire’
Packaged and about to launch several investment programs listed under the ‘What we offer’ section of this website
Signed memoranda of understanding with various delivery partners for jointly undertaking programs